Three Steps to Take to Get the Compensation You Deserve for Your Truck Accident Injuries

Accidents that involve an 18-wheeler are often devastating. A big rig truck’s size and weight are usually overwhelming for those who are inside a passenger vehicle, usually leading to serious and catastrophic injuries. So, after a truck accident, victims must seek immediate medical care. After they get the necessary treatment, you must hire a truck accident lawyer to help with several aspects of an accident claim. After sustaining injuries in a truck accident, you must take the steps below:

Follow the Instructions of Your Treating Doctors

As you get medical treatment for the injuries you sustained in a truck accident, you may see several doctors. This means you will take plenty of information and keeping track of all of your doctors’ orders and recommendations can be overwhelming. However, you must listen to your medical team’s advice. If you cannot focus or retain information because of your condition, bring a family member or friend to your doctor’s appointments to help you take notes. 

By following the instructions of your doctor, you can speed up your recovery and avoid complications. Also, you can limit the ability of insurers to argue that you are to be blamed for the severity of your injuries. 

Document Your Medical Expenses

Your medical bills make up a big part of your losses following a truck accident. To recover compensation for your losses, you must prove how much the injuries you sustained cost you. Thus, you need to have documentation of your medical expenses including all your medical bills, receipts for prescription medication and assistive devices, and explanation of benefits statements that demonstrate the amount you have paid versus the amount your health insurance paid. 

You must keep your medical bills organized following the collision. You need to bring these documents with you when you consult with an attorney. Your attorney will use such documents to calculate your damages for medical care and consult with your medical team to establish your potential future and ongoing costs. 

Document Your Other Losses

As you recover from your injuries, you may suffer additional losses such as lost income. If your injuries prevent you from going to work, you want to be compensated for your lost income. Typically, you may need to show what you have lost through your paystubs and tax returns. Your attorney will review these financial records to determine how much income you have lost. Also, they can get testimony from financial professionals to help establish the amount of compensation you deserve for lost wages.


Powerful Factors Affecting the Court Decisions

Court decisions are not made in a vacuum but rather are impacted by a heap of factors that shape the result of cases. From legal precedents to socio-political environment, a few components assume a urgent part in deciding how judges rule on different issues.  Understanding these persuasive factors is essential for fathoming the complexities of […]